

Welcome to my blog, a journey into the mind. Hope you have a nice stay!

Niranjan Seshadri

Happiness. It is, abundance

Happiness. It is, abundance

There’s abundance, in happiness

It’s appetite for peace, ravenous

Carrying this wealth in abundance

To share, there’s a reluctance

We fail to awaken and realize

It lies inside, the big prize

It is never too late to begin

No need for thoughts to thin

Happiness, our ideal state

It is the foundation of the great

They have suffered losses

Their lives, even hitting pauses

The difference of mind is clear

Whatever may decide to appear

The happy remain anchored

They are never angered

Anguish and fear, both alien

The mind, valuable as titanium

Shimmering, like polished gold

It’s a joy to welcome and behold

Allowing happiness to enter

From the innermost center

To the outermost boundary

We become, the worthy

Forgetting the heavenly mantle

We work, to dismantle

The framework of happiness

It’s done, through pettiness


As we work to reclaim

Happiness, it makes us tame

Getting along with the rest

No more an uphill test

When happiness is in the bag

Content, we no longer brag

The world looks different

Our attitude, less belligerent

Such a treasure, happiness

Wish it could be instantaneous

We are one thought away

Perhaps it may come, today

Happiness is a detergent

Cleans and reveals the present

Flowing effortlessly, like a river

Washing residue making us bitter

It isn’t an unsurmountable step

Once we learn to fully accept

We’re dispensable, and delicate

Shedding any notion life’s desolate

Find happiness, time’s passing

Before everything comes crashing

With wings of happiness, we soar

To where we were before

Where there is joy in abundance

As children, we showed no reluctance

To freely express life in its totality

Then, happiness was such a reality

Nature's language.

Nature's language.

Two ends

Two ends