Two pieces of cloth

Nature loves slow increments. After the sudden and turbulent birth of the universe billions of years ago, Mother Nature has settled into a slow rhythm of emergence and disappearance. The clear blue sky and the gentle summer breeze offer little or no clue about the violent and fiery origin of planet earth. It has taken tremendous effort and time on the part of Mother Nature to bring us this wonderful gift of life, something we take for granted. Everything in nature dances to a natural rhythm and has fallen into a predictable natural order, such as the alternating days and nights, the coming and going of seasons, birth and death etc. Even our breath is in harmony with Nature, the silent and vital link between human beings and trees creates the miracle of life. It is not just about squeezing life out of the air around us, but the establishment of the indelible connection between organic matter that comprises the human body and the mind is the point of fascination that never gets old.