

Welcome to my blog, a journey into the mind. Hope you have a nice stay!

Niranjan Seshadri

Beyond the shell

Beyond the shell

A lightning bolt easily cracks the night sky

Heralding Nature’s thunderous cry

“I give you a protective blue shell”

Till the light shines, dispelling the dark hell


Flintstone sparks, lanterns and modern lights

A steady march forward, undermined by worthless fights

The dreaded vacuum outside the airy shell

Ensures the death of every cell


Leaving the warm blue drape, a pastime of the rich

Medaling those who make this their niche

No matter how far we go

It’s impossible to leave, the thought strewn archipelago


From the universe, to an embryo

Everything’s an egg, sheltered and allowed to grow

Through a primordial crack, life appears

In joy, there are smiles and tears


When thoughts are turned into chaff

Who is left to smile or laugh?

The mind, an empty shell, needn’t be a rarity

Many such shells are strewn, on the road to parity

Storm and peace

Storm and peace

One sip... At a time

One sip... At a time